14-2 Related Books


Humanity is facing many problems today, the most important of which include global warming, environmental pollution, poverty, hunger and malnutrition, depletion of natural resources, terrorism, social injustice and unrest, and so on. The solutions offered do not look deep enough to find the root causes of these problems.

We are born to be happy. People everywhere seek to increase their levels of happiness. However, the great majority of people wrongly consider the acquisition of wealth, power, and fame as the means to achieve it. This attitude and approach to securing happiness through wealth, power, and fame are the main reasons for all the problems humanity is facing today.

All efforts of the prevailing systems of governance are to secure the happiness of their people by fulfilling their wishes and providing physical comfort for them.

In Happyism, as a system of governance, happiness is achieved through the rendering of the most effective service to those who need it most, along with exuding unconditional love to them and cultivating human values within oneself. A method is presented for people to accomplish this.